Joint programme Council of Europe - European Union

MEDIANE - Media in Europe for Diversity Inclusiveness

Media exchanges, encounters, training activities, media index : through diverse initiatives, the MEDIANE Programmme, joint initiative of Council of Europe and European Union, would provide to journalist, media educators, media management, journalism trainers,... opportunities and tools for including diversity in their daily work. What a challenge !

A challenge that Media Animation is taking up !

Already parner in the previous initiative MARS - Media Against Racism in Sport, Media Animation had collaborated to the development of a set of training activities for raising awareness about and developing skills about the inclusion of diverity as media trainer.

From key figures about Media and diversity inclusiveness (cf. Media, Diversity Inclusiveness - what is the problem ?), the joint European Union (EU)/Council of Europe (CoE) programme MEDIANE – Media in Europe for Diversity Inclusiveness, has chosen to focus on the media’s abilities and capacities to include diversities of today’s European societies in the production process as well as in the designing of media content, in particular of news that contributes to inform the public opinion.

As Media educator, journalism student or trainer : how to participate ? With a European Exchange !

Let’s participate to MEDIANE - European Exchanges of Media Practices (EEMP) that offer to media professionals - journalists, media trainers, media educators, media owners, editors, students - a chance to work on a joint training project, sharing activities and resources about diversity inclusiveness.

> Details, F.A.Q and application form.

Media Animation could follow you in this exchange : helping you to develop your project with some feedback, finding people for exchanges in another country, etc.

Don’t hesitate to contact Anne-Claire Orban : ac[point]orban[arobase]media-animation[point]be

MEDIANE is also...

... a first thematic encounter about « Diversity Inclusiveness within Media & Journalism Training & Literacy  » that Media-Animation organizesin Florence (Italy) from 23-25 October 2013 in partnership with EJTA – European Journalism Training Association. It attends to cross media literacy and journalism training approaches to contribute to diversity inclusiveness as a regular approach in the daily media work and support the pairing of participants to get involved in the European Exchanges of Media Practices (EEMPs).

... Others thematic encounters taking place in the next months about Media Production and Journalism practices. Let’s have a look on the Mediane website for further information.

Mediane Website :

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