A Media and multimedia education resource centre in Belgium

Média Animation ASBL is the media and multimedia education resource centre for the Belgium French-speaking Community’s private education. It is recognized and subsidized by the Minsitry of Education and Ministry of Culture. It is also a centre for vocational training. Média Animation was founded in 1972. It was granted crucial funding to implement research, information, training and educational publication. Média Animation’s mission is to support operators in the field of education along two complementary action lines :
Consultancy, audiovisual and multimedia production : professional production support to operators in the cultural and educational fields.
Media and multimedia education : raising awareness with political authorities and education authorities, training teachers and educational mediators (social workers, educators,...), publishing educational works, setting up research actions.

Media Animation’s scope of actions is :

  • to take part in the integration of media and multimedia education in school curricula , to advise educational and political decision-makers and to raise awareness of this issue.
  • to stimulate media and multimedia education as part of a citizenship approach for the benefit of the whole school and education community.
  • to offer professional services helping non-profit organizations and educational institutions concerning media and multimedia production.

The centre takes part in specialized councils and government colleges : Media Literacy Governmental Board (Conseil de l’Education aux Médias de la Communauté Française) - Higher Board for Broadcasting (Conseil Supérieur de l’Audiovisuel) - Higher Board for adult education(Conseil Supérieur de l’éducation permanente)

Media Animation coordinates and participates in different EC funded project :

  • Educaunet – a European program to develop critical awareness of Internet risks through media education.
  • Media-educ– a European online observatory for media education.
  • Mediappro – Applied research in Media Education
  • Euromeduc – A European congress on media literacy

Media Animation works actively to create a European network for media literacy and is an active member of the steering group of the European Charter for Media Literacy.

Activities : short overview

Média Animation has developed vocational training for teachers and cultural educators for many years. Our team of teachers and media and training professionals organize more than 300 training days every year. Here are some examples of these training workgroups : Des médias en jeux, Nouveaux médias à l’école : révolution ou mutation ?, La télé et le multimédia au cours de français, Analyse critique des médias, Vidéo production, Communiquer avec les médias, Multimédia production,. . .

Research operator
The research department sets up research action programmes associating field operators in order to fuel reflection on education and explore new directions for media and multimedia education.

Professional production support
The purpose of this department is to make a team of professionals and audiovisual and multimedia equipment available to help vocational training operators, teachers, and members of the French Community at large with their communication projects.

Educational tools to facilitate teaching
Média Animation runs an information centre specializing in the media and media education. It also publishes numerous educational tools for its various audiences, often joining forces with other partners :

  • Multi-MédiActeurs hebdo : a weekly selection of television programs, Internet sites and CD-Roms designed for use in schools. Available free of charge on the Internet, http://www. media-animation.be
  • Les carnets de la formation multimédia : a loose leaf file designed to explore all aspects of educational multimedia. Produced in association with Cefis and FPE.
  • MédiActeurs : tout savoir sur la télé : the leading reference tool for critical education to the television media. It was awarded the French-speaking Community "Best educational tool award".

 More about our activities

Contact and address

Média Animation asbl
Avenue Emmanuel Mounier 100
1200 Bruxelles - Belgium
Tél : + 32 2 256 72 33 fax : +32 2 245 82 80
mailto: [email protected]
Director : Paul de Theux